Lincoln Highway: Main Street across America.
University of Iowa Press, 1988, 10th anniversary edition 1999. Booklist Adult Editors' Choice Award Winner. 256 pp., 104 photographs, map.

The text casts America's first transcontinental highway in light of the country's new love for the automobile at the turn of the 20th century, and suggests that the Lincoln Highway helped teach Americans a new way to travel by compelling auto owners to go out and explore the country for themselves.

"This book should be owned and read by every motorist who has driven across the U.S.--or only dreamed of doing so.... If you don't receive this book as a gift, buy it yourself."

"The result is an affable classic of Americana, its coup de maitre Hokanson's present-day, black-and-white photos of sites along the now largely vanished road.... A lovely, lovable book, a work of art."

For more information about this book and to purchase it, go to: